The patented solution for effective removal of fats, oils, grease (FOG) and organic matter in a lift station

 The 5 advantages of the patented solution: THE ROLAPAC FLOATING LAYER REMOVER

The solution for effective removal of grease, oil, and organic matter in a lift station

1. Savings on sewage pumping management costs due to short payback period: less than 2.5 years
2.Sustainability: solution more sustainable than conventional solution due to significant C02 reduction: up to 90%
3. Less nuisance in the immediate vicinity of the sewage pumping station
4. Higher yield of biogas at water treatment plants.
5. No longer dependent on good weather conditions during maintenance

For both dry and wet sewage stations the Rolapac provides a solution:

The 5 advantages explained in more detail:

1. Savings on sewage pumping management costs due to short payback period: less than 2.5 years
Without ROLAPAC: A professional cleaning is required up to 5 times a year, whereby the management costs of a sewage pumping station can increase considerably. This requires preparation of various departments of both the Water Board and the Municipality with associated (internal) permits. Coordination between the various sewage pumping stations is also required to compensate for the downtime during the maintenance shutdown. This often takes place during several working days where the disposal of the waste is a challenge.
With ROLAPAC: a single service every year is enough which saves costs up to 90%.

2. Sustainability: solution more sustainable than conventional solution due to significant C02 reduction: up to 90%
During a cleaning operation at a sewage pumping station, use is often made of several diesel-driven suction trucks. In addition to the combustion of these fossil fuels, the waste water containing all kinds of oil, fats and grease is also sucked away into the trucks. This is then transported to an incinerator. Because this exercise no longer has to be performed up to 5 times a year, but only a maintenance service to the ROLAPAC, the C02 footprint is reduced by more than 90%.

3. Less nuisance in the immediate vicinity of the sewage pumping station
Sewage pumps are often located in densely populated urban areas. Maintenance of a sewage pumping station often leads to nuisance for homeowners and residents.

4. Higher yield of biogas at sewage treatment plant
The ROLAPAC provides more wastewater and oil, grease and fats to the wastewater treatment plant. At the sewage treatment plant , the fats can be converted into biogas (if present).

5. No longer dependent on weather conditions for maintenance plans
If rainfall is expected during planned maintenance of a sewage pumping station, due to the supply of more waste and rainwater, the planned maintenance cannot take place and a new date has to be found. If this occurs up to 5 times a year; it is far from ideal.

Old situation sewage pumping station:

New situation for sewage pumping station: the Rolapac will be installed in the reception cellar of the sewage pumping station; the low-placed suction nozzles are replaced by the Rolapac installation.